Individual courses, as well as, a program of accreditation are available for home-school students. As a home school resource center, St. Nicholas Orthodox Academy has a file of curriculum catalogs available in addition to a library of favored textbooks for review that we have used and can recommend to inquiring home school families.
Through the Georgia Accrediting Commission, St. Nicholas Orthodox Academy offers accreditation to home school students who have a parent or mentor with an undergraduate degree. To begin this process of accreditation, a Home Studies Accrediting Information Form and registration form must be filled out and turned in with a yearly fee of $300 to the administrator. For each home study course the home school student will take a test on campus which is proctored by the administrator at least once per quarter in order confirm progress. The test is designed by the home mentor, and a test key is provided to the proctor.
After a home-schooled student has been enrolled in this program for one academic year (nine months) and has successfully completed the work that he or she has set out to accomplish, Saint Nicholas Orthodox Academy can give the student credit as well as transcripts for the level of work demonstrated.
Applicant Forms
* Home School Registration Form